The outreach of the Social Justice Ministry is to support our Parish’s mission of sharing our giftedness by supporting the themes of Catholic Social Teaching, including the Life and dignity of the Human Person, tending to the Poor and Vulnerable and Caring for God’s Creation. They share their giftedness through hands-on projects that reach out to the needy in our community and abroad and by promoting Catholic Social messaging in our Parish and community. Some of the specific tasks of the Social Justice Ministry include preparing or serving meals, stuffing envelopes, selling tickets for raffles or to events that support the mission of other organizations, coordinating the Giving Tree, and even traveling to help on mission trips in Nicaragua.
If you knit or crochet, you are invited to help create prayer shawls which bring comfort to others and serve as a reminder of God’s embrace and love to those who receive them. As shawls are create, the members pray for the recipient and then together bless the shawls before they leave their hands to be wrapped around those who need love and prayers. They serve as a beautiful reminder of God’s care and the support of our community. If your are a beginner, members will help you to better your crocheting or knitting skills. Yarn and monetary donations also will be gratefully accepted. The Prayer Shawl Ministry meets once a month.